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Why might the Investor Visa NOT be for you?

If you are looking to immigrate to the United States and plan on starting a business, it is important to know what visa options are available to you. In this blog, we will discuss the investor visa and why it may not be the most suitable option for you.

The investor visa, also known as the E-2 visa, is commonly used by entrepreneurs and investors who want to live and work in the United States. However, this visa is subject to certain requirements and is not for everyone.

To qualify for an  E-2 visa, you must be a citizen of a country that has a treaty with the United States supporting this type of visa. If your home country does not have this treaty, you will not be eligible for an E-2 visa

While most people have heard of the E-2 visa, people we meet with often do not know that there are actually two types of E visas: the E-2 visa and the E-1 visa. While the E-2 visa is for investors who have made a significant investment in a business in the United States, the E-1 visa is for business owners engaged in import and export activities, E-1 visa applicants have to show that their company is already engaged in international trade between the United States and their home country.

E-1 applicants do not have to own a business in the U.S. but can apply for a visa based on their foreign-owned entity. Hence, if you have a business in your home country and are engaged in the exchange of goods or services with the United States, the E-2 may not be for you but the E-1 may be a perfect fit.

Additionally, an E-2 visa Ia does not put someone on a path to permanent residency in the United States. Hence, if it is your goal to obtain a green card, an E-2 visa alone won’t get you there. 

Before deciding to apply for an investor visa, it is crucial to carefully analyze your goals and needs. While it may be an appealing option for those looking to start a business in the United States, other visa options may be more suitable depending on your particular situation.

The investor visa can be an interesting option for those looking to establish a business in the United States. However, it is important to consider the requirements and whether it is the most suitable option for you. Always consult with your trusted immigration lawyer!


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